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Web applications provide users the ability to access the application anywhere in the world they have access to the internet. Whether you’re in the office or on the road, you have the access you need to get your job done. This allows users to not only bypass the need for any localized software, but also to receive up to the minute patches without requiring them to run any updates. ConexNet has developed web-based applications for clients in various industries, including medical, law, distribution and services. Our applications are written to be compatible with all of the latest browsers, including Edge, Internet Explorer, Chrome, FireFox, and Safari to name a few. Communication between the browser and the server utilizes an encrypted connection so all data transfers are secure. ConexNet utilizes the Microsoft platform for our development. We’ve developed applications utilizing various architectures, including MVC and Web Forms. Web applications are more than a website, they incorporate much more functionality, such as that you would find on a locally installed application.

IT Consulting Agency

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